Annoying coil whine from my AX 750W PSU


Annoying coil whine from my AX 750W PSU


First I have to say that I'm a big fan of corsair products.

Unfortunatly I've had really bad luck lately..

My first AX 750W PSU didn't work at all(!), so i had to return it. The second PSU had a really loud and extremely irritating coil whine (a high pitched tone from the PSU) Luckily Webhallen confirmed the noise in their store, took it back and gave my a new one.

Now I'm sitting here with my THIRD AX 750W PSU, and it has the s a m e coil whine. Not as much as the last one, but its still there and its very annoying..

Now I'm about to go back another time.. I hope they help me again. I have a feeling that they're starting to think that I'm a really bad customer This will be my fourth AX 750W PSU!

I just want one that is silent! Thats why i choosed to buy this premium product in the first place. Everything else is perfect with it!

The reason i write here is because i'm afraid i'm going to get another one with the noise. Or that the store wont help me anymore.. I've read on the net that it might be possible to get a PSU directly from Corsair. Or I would greatly appreciate if you in any other way could help me or advice me?


I have a AX850W PSU and I have the same problem unfortunately. I sent it in today to the company I bought it from and hopefully I will get a new.
Except from the coil whine it's a perfect PSU and I don't want to change to another brand or another of your series, so hopefully this is just an one time experience, hopefully.


Perhaps best to RMA back to Corsair if possible. I did hear of coil whine in some AX750/850s but this was fixed already. It won't affect the performance of the PSU in any way though.

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